The beginning step to joining a teaching studio or one of our many ensembles varies depending on the instrument or group. You can learn more about music lessons here:
You can also contact the lesson instructor or ensemble director. A few studios and groups are in such demand that that they hold auditions to determine membership. Regardless of your level or interest, we encourage all students to find out more.
Ensembles vary greatly in their audition procedures. Contact the director to find out what you need to do.
Q Who is teaching music at Williams?
A Consider this overview of professors, ensemble directors and instrumental faculty
Q Who offers my instrumental/voice and how do I contact them?
A This is a list of contacts by instrument.
Q Can I contact a teacher directly?
A Sure! This is an alphabetical list of music faculty/staff.
Q In what ensembles do Williams music students perform?
A Please explore this list of music groups.