This popular lunchtime series takes place at 12:15pm on selected Wednesdays in Chapin Hall. Once a semester we meet in Thompson Memorial Chapel to experience the chapel's fine acoustics and also to take the opportunity to hear our organists. Come, listen and join our musicians on stage in Chapin Hall, or in the chapel, and hear how Williams Makes Music! Midday Chamber Music takes place at the same time, same place, but usually on selected Thursdays.

Midweekmusic: Sign up to Perform

Student and Faculty Performers can sign up to play for MIDWEEKMUSIC.

  • please fill out the form linked below
  • follow the instructions carefully
  • make sure to copy your instructor or ensemble director
  • sign up for a spot by 5pm on the Thursday before a concert
  • you may sign up for ANY MIDWEEKMUSIC at any time before the above deadline. We encourage you to plan far ahead
  • instructors are welcome to reserve time blocks for mini studio recitals
  • please direct all email to [email protected]
  • dates at the end of semester are always very full - sign on for a concert early in the semester!
  • Questions? Mail [email protected]


*for Williams students or faculty
*make sure you are signed into your college Google account!
*Midday Chamber Music is organized by the course coordinators for students in the Chamber Music Workshop course.