Learning Objectives
Students majoring in music will:
- cultivate the full range of their skills as performers, composers, and scholars through course work, performances, attendance at concerts and lectures, and participation in workshops and master classes.
- develop pluralistic and open-minded perspectives by pursuing a range of approaches to the study of radically diverse forms of music from across history and around the world.
- examine music in relation to its cultural, social, political, and historical contexts, and its role in contemporary society.
- study the development of musical styles, genres, and forms, and compare critical perspectives on major figures, trends, and musical innovations.
- study and apply a variety of theories and techniques to the analysis and interpretation of music.
- learn to listen critically to, understand, and communicate about music in both writing and oral presentations.
- consider musical production, circulation, and consumption as social and political phenomena, drawing from related fields including anthropology, race and ethnicity, media studies, sociology, and women and gender studies.
Major Requirements (available to all students)
A minimum of nine courses are required for the major, as detailed below.
Four courses are required, which must include MUS 103 and MUS 104. The other two courses may be selected from any of the department’s offerings in music theory and analysis, jazz theory and arranging, composition and electronic music.
- MUS 102, 103, 104, 105, 110, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, 250, 252, 254, 301, 305, 307, 308, 309 or 352
Students uncertain about whether initial placement into MUS 102 or MUS 103 is more appropriate should consult the music theory placement exam information page.
Four courses are required which must satisfy one of the following three options (the three historical periods referred to below are: pre-1750; 1750 to 1900; 1900 to the present):
Option 1:
Two courses in Ethnomusicology (at least one at the 200-level or higher)
Two courses in Music History (one in any two of the three historical periods and at least one at the 200-level or higher)
Option 2:
Three courses in Music History (one in each of the three historical periods and at least one at the 200-level or higher)
One course in Ethnomusicology
Option 3:
Three courses in Ethnomusicology (at least one at the 200-level or higher)
One course in Music History pre-1900
- Ethnomusicology: MUS 111, 112, 120, 125, 177, 211, 214, 220, 221, 222, 225, 230 or 323
- Music History Pre-1750: MUS 133, 172, 231, 234, 235
- Music History 1750-1900: MUS 165, 166, 232 or 241
- Music History 1900-present: MUS 118, 119, 150, 151, 233, 238, 239 or 316
Majors are required to participate in faculty-directed departmental ensembles for at least four semesters, and enroll in partial credit music lessons for at least two semesters.
Any 400-level seminar, 400-level Independent Study course, or second semester of a year-long Honors Thesis course. The capstone requirement may be satisfied in either the Junior or Senior years.
Major Requirements (former curriculum, an option for students in the Class of 2025, 2026 and 2027)
A minimum of ten courses are required for the major, as detailed below.
Four courses in Music Theory and Musicianship to be taken in sequence:
- Music 103
- Music 104a (Music Theory and Musicianship I) or Music 104b (Jazz Theory and Improvisation I)
- Music 201
- Music 202
Three courses in European and American Music History:
- Music 231
- Music 232
- Music 233
Majors may choose to replace a maximum of one of these three specific courses with a course in music history covering aspects of the same period. The courses that may substitute for MUS 231, 232, and 233 are listed below:
- Music 231: 133, 164, 172, 234, 235 or 261
- Music 232: 143, 146, 165, or 166
- Music 233: 118, 119, 138, 150, 151, 238, 239, 244, 251, 252, 254, or 316
One course in World Music/Ethnomusicology from the following:
- MUS 111, 112, 120, 125, 177, 211, 214, 215, 220, 221, 222, 225, 230, 323, 330
Two electives:
One must be taken in the senior year and at the 400-level to serve as a capstone course. The second semester of a year-long honors thesis, MUS 494, will satisfy the 400-level elective requirement; for students in the class of 2024 and subsequent years, Advanced Musical Performance, MUS 491 or 492, will not satisfy the 400-level capstone elective. The other elective may be fulfilled in any semester by any Music course but must be taken in addition to courses selected to satisfy the history, theory, and world music/ethnomusicology requirements detailed above.
Majors are required to participate in faculty-directed departmental ensembles for at least four semesters.
Majors must enroll in partial credit music lessons for at least two semesters.
The Degree with Honors in Music
Three routes provide the opportunity for honors or highest honors consideration in the Music major:
a. Composition: A Composition thesis must include one major work completed during the senior year supported by a 10- to 15-page discussion of the student’s work or analysis of a major 20th century or contemporary work. The student’s general portfolio of compositions completed during the junior and senior years will also be considered in determining honors.
b. Performance: A Performance thesis must include an honors recital given during the spring of the senior year supported by a 15- to 20-page discussion of one or more of the works performed. The student’s general performance career will also be considered in determining honors.
c. History, Theory and Analysis, or Ethnomusicology: A written Historical, Theoretical/Analytical, or Ethnomusicological thesis between 65 and 80 pages in length. A written thesis should offer new insights based on original research. A public oral thesis defense is also required.
In order for a thesis proposal to be approved, a student must have at least a 3.3 GPA in Music courses (this GPA must be maintained in order to receive honors), and must have demonstrated outstanding ability and experience through coursework and performance in the proposed thesis area. Students are encouraged to seek the advice of their potential thesis advisor early in the junior year and no later than the first month of the second semester. A 1- to 2-page proposal written in consultation with the faculty advisor must be received by the Music chair by the end of spring break.
Honors candidates must enroll in Music 493(F)-W31-494(S) during their senior year. A student who is highly qualified for honors work, but is unable to pursue a year-long project for compelling reasons, may petition the department for permission to pursue a WS/one-semester thesis. The standards for evaluating such a thesis remain the same. Completed thesis is due by April 15.
Courses in individual vocal or instrumental instruction are fully subsidized for all students. See Music 281–288 and Advanced Musical Performance 391, 392, 491, 492 for further information on vocal and instrumental lessons.
Study Abroad
Students completing the major under the new curriculum may substitute a course abroad for any one course for the major except for the 400-level Capstone if the proposed course is clearly equivalent and if the substitution is approved by the department. For students in the classes of 2025, 2026 and 2027, completing the major under the former curriculum, no more than two courses taken abroad may count toward the major. One study abroad course may substitute for a course that satisfies any one of the specific required courses if the proposed course is clearly equivalent and if the substitution is approved by the department. A second study abroad course may satisfy the one free elective requirement for the major, if approved by the department. Music lesson courses and ensemble participation pursued while studying abroad may count toward the performance requirements with approval of the department.